Options for Questions with Multiple Selections

The options on the Options tab let you determine what is available for form users to select when they answer a question with multiple selections for them to choose from, such as a drop-down, radio button, or check box question.

Orientation Options

Orientation options let you determine how you want radio button and check box options to appear.

·       Example: Horizontal radio buttons

·       Example: Vertical radio buttons

Static Options

Static options let you enter specific options that form users can select. They are specific to the form and populated from your EX or external database.

·       Example: Static radio button setup

·       Example: Static radio buttons in the user's form

Dynamic Options

Dynamic options let you provide options for the user based on your EX or external database. Dynamic options utilize data sources and can be reused across forms. They are useful for commonly used form questions such as State and Country lists. Jenzabar provides several JZB options you can use and you can create your own data sources to populate these options.

·       Example: Dynamic drop-down list setup

·       Example: Dynamic drop-down list in the user's form

In order to use data sources, you must set up the database connections. If you are creating custom data sources, you'll also need to set them up. See DataSources for more information.


How TO

Add static options

Add dynamic options


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