Working with Grids

There are several ways to use grids:



There are three main steps to

Create a Grid

1.         Log in to the campus portal as an administrator and access EX FormFlow - Forms.

2.         Click Manage Forms. The Manage Forms page appears.

3.         Click Site Administrators. Site Administrators page appears.

4.         From the Tools menu, select Mapped Statements. The Statements page appears.

5.         Click Create a Single Row. The mapped statement options appear.

6.         From the This statement should be executed on drop-down options, select what action triggers the mapped statement. For example, do you want to trigger the option when the user saves the form or when they submit it.

7.         From the Database drop-down, select the database you are mapping the information to. Only those databases that you have set up a database connection to appear.

8.         From the Table drop-down, select the database table where you want to insert the information the form user enters. The columns for the table appear.

9.         Find the column you want to map your form data to.

10.      From the drop-down next to the column, select the form question/field to be mapped to your EX table.

11.      To use a custom value, select Custom Value. A blank custom value field appears.

12.      Enter....

13.      Click Save.