
The question/field properties on the Settings tab let you configure the following settings:



 Add Double Value to Final Balance

The Add Double Value to Final Balance setting is used when you are associating a fee/accepting a payment with your form. Select this checkbox to double the final balance amount the form user enters or selects.
This is a legacy feature that will be discontinued in a future release. Use the Balance Calculator to update the final balance.


The Alignment setting lets you show the question within the left, right, or center of the row.

Allowed Extensions

The Allowed Extensions setting lets you determine what file extensions your school will allow form users to upload. This feature is typically used with the File Upload question.

Date from Tag

This option can be used to pre-populate a datepicker question with a particulate date using a literal string replacer.

For example, you can create a @@BirthDate tag that selects the currently logged in user’s birthdate from biograph_master, and you could have it select that date by default in the datepicker by populating the Date from tag setting with @@BirthDate.

Default Value

The Default Value setting lets you determine what information or data value is shown to form users when they access the form. Form users can update this value as needed.

Display Time

The Display Time setting lets you determine if the datepicker question will show the time when the form user goes to pick a date.

File Name Format

The File Name Format setting lets you give uploaded files a naming convention. This can be helpful for managing multiple uploads by creating unique and distinguishable file names. You can use literal string replacers to add the form users name or submission date. This feature is typically used with the File Upload question.

Help Info Text

The Help Info Text setting lets you enter additional information or brief instructions for form users. Help information is shown next to a help icon that shows your text when the user hovers over or clicks on it.

Hide On Load (Legacy)


Include in Report Grid

The Include in Report Grid setting lets you determine if what the form user enters or selects is included in form report's summary table in the Report View.

Map to EXi Event Field

The Map to EXi Event Field setting is available for schools licensed to use EXi Events Management. It maps EXi event invitee information to the event registration form. When you are creating an event registration form using the event templates, this information is automatically mapped to the appropriate questions for you. You can add questions to your registration form and map additional EXi information as needed.

Max Length

The Max Length setting lets you limit how much information form users can enter in a field. This can be useful for an essay question. If you are working with a collection grid, this setting limits the number of rows that can be added.

Multiply Balance by Double Value

The Multiply Balance by Double Value setting is used when you are associating a fee/accepting a payment with your form. Select this checkbox to multiply the amount the form user enters or selects by the fee amount in the associated payment profile.

This is a legacy feature that will be discontinued in a future release. Use the Balance Calculator to update the final balance.

OR Enter Image URL

The Or Enter Image URL setting lets you enter or paste the website of the image you want to display in your form question.


The Required setting make the question or field required before the user can move on to the next tab of the form or submit the form.

Selected Date

The Selected Date setting lets you select a date you want to appear in the datepicker question. Form users can click on the field to change the date.

Show Only in Report


Upload a File

The Upload a File Setting lets you select and upload a file that will be available to form users when they access a File Download question.

Width and Height

The Width and Height settings let you adjust how the size of the question. You can use the percentage of 100 or use px or pt values. For example, if you want a question to be small, enter 50% or 50px.


How To

Add the Value to the Final Balance

Align the Question

Add Allowed Extensions

Set Up a Default Date from a Tag

Add a Default Value

Show the Time on the Datepicker

Set Up a File Upload Naming Convention

Add Help Info Text

Include Form Input in the Report Grid

Map the Question to an EXi Event Field

Determine the Max Length of the User's Input

Add Multiple the Balance by Double Value

Enter an Image URL

Select a Default Date

Add a Downloadable File

Adjust the Question's Width/Height


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