It is through the generosity of many individuals, businesses, foundations and service organizations that Flint Hills Technical college is able to offer a variety of scholarships and awards to qualified students.
To be considered for funding opportunities, all scholarship application materials must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office by March 1st. Applications received after the deadline will be eligible for a limited amount of second-round funding opportunities including any new scholarships developed after the deadline.
The Scholarship Application can be submitted anytime during the admissions process.
To be eligible to receive 2024 - 2025 scholarship, applicants should:
- * Be a full-time degree-seeking post-secondary student
- * Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- * Submit a current high school transcript (if still in high school), final high school transcript or GED transcript and
- * College, University or Technical institution transcript(s), if previously attended.
Current transcripts must be submitted to the Student Services Office to determine scholarship eligibility. Returning FHTC students do not need to re-submit transcripts unless requested by the financial aid office.
Applications will be considered for all Foundation and Institutional scholarship opportunities. Only one application is required unless the specific scholarship criterion states otherwise. Certain scholarships have a specialized application process. The Scholarship Selection Committee determines awards. If a student does not demonstrate Federal Financial Aid need, it does not disqualify them from receiving an institutional scholarship.
Scholarship applications will not be processed until all required documentation is received in the Student Services Office. Applicants are responsible for providing complete information. The college will not contact the applicant to request additional information should the application be incomplete.
Priority will be given to full-time post-secondary degree-seeking students (12 credit hours or more or the maximum number of credit hours available for the program.) High school cumulative GPA or GED score will be used to determine eligibility. For cumulative college GPA to be considered, twelve (12) college credit hours must have been completed (regardless of where the student attended) and will be averaged to determine their cumulative GPA.
Scholarships are awarded for the academic year and begin the semester immediately following your notification and acceptance of the award(s). Awards will be applied directly to the student’s educational costs to cover tuition, educational fees, textbooks, and necessary supplies and will not be distributed to the student unless special situations arise. Half of the award amount will be given each semester, unless otherwise indicated. Scholarship eligibility for second semester is conditional on maintaining the requirements listed on the scholarship notification to the student. Students must reapply for scholarships each academic year, unless otherwise indicated.
Students must accept scholarship awards and are required to submit a thank you letter to FHTC for the scholarship donor. Scholarship funds will not be released until the FHTC Financial Aid Office receives each thank you letter.
If you have any questions email our Financial Aid office at or call 620-343-4600 Option 4.